Very interesting... an authentic conversion of the Taito Invaders in QBASIC !
Friday, December 14, 2018, 03:00 PM
Posted by Administrator
It is crazy what can be done with QBASIC (for DOS).
Even the "original" Taito Invaders game, having a *real authentic* look, can be implemented in QBASIC. While looking for GWBASIC samples, I found also some QBASIC samples.
This one was the best one I ever found. It runs with any VGA (screen mode 13).
It was the result of a competition in mid-1996 for retro arcade games written in any version of BASIC. You can download it from the referenced page (related link at the bottom).
It can be easily played by using
Left - Left CTRL
Right - Left ALT
Fire - Right SHIFT
Stop program - Esc
A screenshot of the running game (unmodified):

Meanwhile I have slightly modified the program so a highscore is temporarily saved also, because then it's possible to compare your skill with others (if played on the same computer). The modified version includes also the QBASIC source, just download it from >
here<. It looks of course similar:

Take also a look at the other programs James Eibisch published on the referenced "related link" page.