205 entries using 55,123 words stored in 335,784 bytes.
51 comments using 4,204 words stored in 26,774 bytes.
0 trackbacks stored in 0 bytes.
0 static pages using 0 words stored in 0 bytes.
744,132 votes stored in 4,605 bytes.
51 comments using 4,204 words stored in 26,774 bytes.
0 trackbacks stored in 0 bytes.
0 static pages using 0 words stored in 0 bytes.
744,132 votes stored in 4,605 bytes.
Siemens PCD-2 monochrome monitor adapter (3.08).
Cont'd test of disk copy programs (Part 2) (3.07).
Evolution of vintage PC chess programs (until VGA was used) PART 4 (3.07).
UCSD p-SYSTEM for IBM PC - bootable and not MS-DOS related, not the usual psys22.zip file (3.06).
This is the first "Personal Computer" (not Altair, not Scelbi, not Micral) ? (3.06).
Micromint SB180FX resurrected ... and it's running well (3.06).
Bondwell 8T and the Expanded Memory Mystery (3.06).
Famous game classics on Sega Mega Drive (Genesis): TinyToon Adventures ! (3.05).
Cool ... an Apple II, a SD/MMC card for storage, a Z80 CPU, 80 columns card, all together implemented in an FPGA prototype (3.05).
Vintage PC portables - oldies but goldies... my four favorite ones ;-) (3.05).
Cont'd test of disk copy programs (Part 2) (3.07).
Evolution of vintage PC chess programs (until VGA was used) PART 4 (3.07).
UCSD p-SYSTEM for IBM PC - bootable and not MS-DOS related, not the usual psys22.zip file (3.06).
This is the first "Personal Computer" (not Altair, not Scelbi, not Micral) ? (3.06).
Micromint SB180FX resurrected ... and it's running well (3.06).
Bondwell 8T and the Expanded Memory Mystery (3.06).
Famous game classics on Sega Mega Drive (Genesis): TinyToon Adventures ! (3.05).
Cool ... an Apple II, a SD/MMC card for storage, a Z80 CPU, 80 columns card, all together implemented in an FPGA prototype (3.05).
Vintage PC portables - oldies but goldies... my four favorite ones ;-) (3.05).
This is the first "Personal Computer" (not Altair, not Scelbi, not Micral) ? (15,176).
Installing XENIX 386 on a real intel 486 PC Part 2 (12,575).
Vintage PC portables - oldies but goldies... my four favorite ones ;-) (11,715).
Evolution of vintage PC chess programs (until VGA was used) PART 3 (11,263).
Expirience made with Genius G840 IC Programmer (from stg51.com) (10,068).
A(nother) great blog moved to a new address (9,384).
PCD2 CPU card - unknown manufacturer, unknown switch function (8,275).
Offtopic but important: Campaign against PGP - hidden reasons ? (8,219).
Ontrack Disk Manager adventures (7,977).
LBA 48bit vs 28bit BIOS support and DOS/Windows 98 FAT32 limits (6,926).
Installing XENIX 386 on a real intel 486 PC Part 2 (12,575).
Vintage PC portables - oldies but goldies... my four favorite ones ;-) (11,715).
Evolution of vintage PC chess programs (until VGA was used) PART 3 (11,263).
Expirience made with Genius G840 IC Programmer (from stg51.com) (10,068).
A(nother) great blog moved to a new address (9,384).
PCD2 CPU card - unknown manufacturer, unknown switch function (8,275).
Offtopic but important: Campaign against PGP - hidden reasons ? (8,219).
Ontrack Disk Manager adventures (7,977).
LBA 48bit vs 28bit BIOS support and DOS/Windows 98 FAT32 limits (6,926).
Successor of Kryoflux - the new SuperCard Pro from Jim Drew ? (1,456).
Now again a Sharp Pocket Computer - but the (almost) Z80 compatible one... (969).
Evolution of vintage PC chess programs (until VGA was used) PART 2 (878).
New toy: Texas Instruments LED/VFD Display Calculators (1972 - 1980) (861).
Notebook floppy disk drive repair - an impossible mission... (783).
SNES (PAL) and a rare NTSC cartridge "Frogger" (773).
Another rare CP/M portable from Televideo... (733).
Using MS-DOS 4.01 with virtual machines is a NIGHTMARE ! (662).
ATI EGA Wonder used in / for an IBM Portable PC (655).
DEC Personal Workstation Bootscreen - for Windows 7 PCs ;-) (619).
Now again a Sharp Pocket Computer - but the (almost) Z80 compatible one... (969).
Evolution of vintage PC chess programs (until VGA was used) PART 2 (878).
New toy: Texas Instruments LED/VFD Display Calculators (1972 - 1980) (861).
Notebook floppy disk drive repair - an impossible mission... (783).
SNES (PAL) and a rare NTSC cartridge "Frogger" (773).
Another rare CP/M portable from Televideo... (733).
Using MS-DOS 4.01 with virtual machines is a NIGHTMARE ! (662).
ATI EGA Wonder used in / for an IBM Portable PC (655).
DEC Personal Workstation Bootscreen - for Windows 7 PCs ;-) (619).
Successor of Kryoflux - the new SuperCard Pro from Jim Drew ? (5).
I managed it to downgrade a Turbo PASCAL (5.5) Source of a Z80 Assembler to a Turbo PASCAL 3.0 version... (4).
A shrinked Altair 8800 as a replica - very nice (still need screenshots of the working system) (3).
My Yodobashi (Microvoice) Formula-1, with build-in eprom programmer (3).
Installing XENIX 386 on a real intel 486 PC Part 3 (3).
Comparison of free memory for an old IBM PC/XT compatible system (2).
New project using GWBASIC and a nice web site with interesting vintage computer advertisments (2).
Apple I auction ended with fantastic price... selled for ~half a million EURO (2).
FMA 3500, a 486DX Notebook with monochrome LCD VGA display (2).
ZIP100 and IBM PC/XT ... works fine ! (2).
I managed it to downgrade a Turbo PASCAL (5.5) Source of a Z80 Assembler to a Turbo PASCAL 3.0 version... (4).
A shrinked Altair 8800 as a replica - very nice (still need screenshots of the working system) (3).
My Yodobashi (Microvoice) Formula-1, with build-in eprom programmer (3).
Installing XENIX 386 on a real intel 486 PC Part 3 (3).
Comparison of free memory for an old IBM PC/XT compatible system (2).
New project using GWBASIC and a nice web site with interesting vintage computer advertisments (2).
Apple I auction ended with fantastic price... selled for ~half a million EURO (2).
FMA 3500, a 486DX Notebook with monochrome LCD VGA display (2).
ZIP100 and IBM PC/XT ... works fine ! (2).