Two interesting pages about the Olivetti M20 - one of the few computer which have a Z8000 and can run CP/M-8000
Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 12:25 AM
Posted by Administrator
Full with additional links and infos, more than just a vintage computer museum entry: get an impression from what I'm talking - here's an image from an M20 machine,
running CP/M-8000 (click on the picture to zoom):

The machine was selled in 1982 with PCOS (that's an operating system with cryptic commands, even more cryptic than CP/M was)...
There was an additonal 8086 card available to run MS-DOS, but that's another story.
The cpu was - to document it more accurately - a Zilog 8001, the cpu family is named 'Z8000'.
Still one of the most "rich" web pages about the Olivetti M20 can be found at