Evolution of vintage PC chess programs (until VGA was used) PART 3
Saturday, July 2, 2016, 07:00 PM
Posted by Administrator
Available for many, many platforms, it should not miss in such a list: ChessMaster 2000:

Many (higher) version follows, this one appeared in 1986. Here CGA display was used. ChessMaster 2000 can be run also in graphics mode with Hercules cards (but looks ugly).
EDCHESS was an ugly, but playable alternative in 1988 (v1.0, v2 appeared in 1992):

Going on with Power Chess in 1989, graphics did NOT evolved:

This program is really SLOW. Just for completeness listed, not because it's good.
In 1989, the PC version of BattleChess arrived, very popular, unfortunately not really strong playing... but who cares while looking fights like the queen against a knight ;-)

In 1990, Chessplayer 2150 was published. Acceptable EGA graphics:

Continued in PART 4...