REVERSI - A QBASIC program from 1990 ... playing stronger as you think
Wednesday, August 1, 2018, 10:00 PM
Posted by Administrator
Almost every Windows 3.x user knows REVERSI aka OTHELLO as a 16-Bit Windows game.
But Microsoft published the same game also as a QBASIC game.
QBASIC was part of MS-DOS 5.0, development of MS-DOS 5.0 reached beta level in 1990.
I was curious and tested REVERSI.BAS from that MS-DOS 5.0 BETA (which is quite the same as one year later in the final MS-DOS 5.0 version), and guess what happened...

I lost it several times even with 'Novice' setting. Finally I managed it to win, but hell it was not really easy. And I did not tried the 'Expert' setting...
Just judge yourself about the game playing strength of that program and start QBASIC from DOS 5 again (e.g. with the help of DOSBOX, which is running even with Windows 10).
Or compile it with >
QBASIC64< (which compiles it to a native Windows program).
Related link points to the source code ZIPped.