Quality sinks continuously ...this time: CISCO
Thursday, May 16, 2013, 09:00 AM
Posted by Administrator
As we all know, most of the products today are produced in a cost efficient way.
Because of this, vendors always looking for a chance to produce things cheaper.
But because this happens, also quality goes synchronously down.
This happened to Linksys Router (think about forced cisco cloud account usage, which was changed back in October 2012, but also missing features, low quality and early defects).
Like other vendors, Cisco devices does also have a long list of vulnerabilities:
http://securitytracker.com/archives/advisory/6966.htmlNow - on top of the above listed facts - there is another great achievement Cisco reached:
They aquired
Scansafe a few years ago, their services are named now "
Cisco Cloud Web Security" (it seems also be related with the Linksys Router Configuration issue, see above).
I thought they have a team of agents who edits their web filter entries. So they will be able to achieve a defined level of quality at least.
But I was wrong. Their webfilter service seems to be made only by searching keywords, not monitored by humans. My own website here (
www.z80.eu and also this blog ) is now categorized as "virus site". THIS IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS. I am offering infos about detecting virus, but I do not spread viruses.
Cisco, you failed verifiable 100%.

But do you really expect Quality from Cisco ?
P.S.: This was valid for more than one year. Now it's not more categorized as a malware site, due to my continuously sent requests.